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Thoughts and resources on digital social innovation. Crowdfunding innovation in international cooperation. 20 inspiring open source innovation. The role of data in social innovation. 10 reasons Open Innovation fails.
Oasis Workflow is a powerful, flexible, and visual way to automate your WordPress Editorial Review Process. Get rid of those out-of-date spreadsheets and multiple to-do-sticky notes for managing your editorial workflow. Oasis Workflow plugin is designed to keep your editorial process flowing in an organized fashion. A flexible set of tools that powers editorial review processes for WordPress sites of all sizes. From simple 1-step process to a multi-step, multi-user process. Free updates for 1 year.
Aid data from big to small. Past, present, and future. One place for all - Data for development aid. org provides detailed developing aid finance data from around the world. Unlike most other websites, this project combines data from various sources offering a more comprehensive view on foreign aid. All spendings and projects between 2000 and 2013.
Mit Struktur zum Erfolg Unser Konzept.
The mechanics of buying a home in Northern Virginia and the metro Washington, DC, area can be an overwhelming process. Add the emotions of envisioning your future home and the financial commitment involved, and the result is a process fraught with challenges and pitfalls. The Wethman Group prides itself on having helped hundreds of clients successfully navigate these challenges. We Approach Real Estate From A Different Angle. Better Information for Better Decisions.
Massgeschneiderte Unterstützung von Unternehmen und Institutionen in Ihrer Entwicklung. Der Hebel dafür sind immer die Menschen, die zusammenarbeiten. Meine Leidenschaft ist einen Beitrag zu erbringen, dass unerschöpfliche kreative Potential der MitarbeiterInnen zu mobilisieren. Dafür übernehme ich die Verantwortung. Marc Wethmar, MScBA, selbständiger Berater für Führungs- und Unternehmensentwicklung.